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Bitgesell Developer resources 📚📚

A collection of useful Developer resources for the Bitgesell Blockchain Network

1. Bitgesell Core Software​

These are links to all resources regarding the official Bitgesell core software:

2. Bitgesell Libraries​

The following are some official Bitgesell libraries for various popular programming languages:

1. TypeScript/JavaScript​

  • jsbgl - A JavaScript library for Bitgesell

2. Python​

3. Rust​

  • Brotlic - Brotlic provides Rust bindings to all compression and decompression APIs. On the fly compression and decompression is supported for both BufRead and Write via CompressorReader<R>

4. Golang​

  • bgld - A fork of btcd (excellent project) to support Bitgesell coin. This currently can be used as a library of useful functions and it not tested for production use.

Bitgesell Community​

Official Bitgesell Discord Server - The officail Bitgesell Discord server